Tag Archives: Spiritual

Our Thoughts Create Our Life

Greetings My Soulful Healing; I have been missing from my blog for a few months and I offer many apologies for my absence and lack of blogging. I have gained many followers during this absence and it has surpassed any and all expectations I would’ve ever had. It’s so encouraging to know that my blog as well as my Facebook and Twitter updates bring inspiration to many. Thank you to everyone new and longstanding for sticking with me and bringing me the surprise of happiness knowing you stuck with me during my absence. I am so appreciative of every single follower and only hope that my writing encourages and touches each one of you in your own unique way.

A close friend of mine sent me this video entitled, “Create Your Life” with Louise Hay and Wayne Dyer. It’s a 50 minute video (with subtitles in Spanish) that spoke volumes to me as I watched. It discusses how what we believe is a choice we make and how those beliefs unconsciously create our life. We often hear about the “power of positive thinking” but tend to dismiss it thinking, “okay that sounds good but it’s too hard to be positive and doesn’t matter anyway.” We also tend to discount the notion that thoughts are energy and energy is what creates our world, surroundings and reality.

Louise sums it up best by talking about our personal belief in ourselves that cause the root to many of our issues. She discusses how enlightenment occurs when we begin to really understand that letting go of false beliefs (about ourselves) or general beliefs that no longer serve our higher purpose is the catalyst to creating a more powerful mind-set which gives rise to our higher purpose and allows us to gain a more fulfilling and satisfying life.

Wayne is also extremely powerful in discussing how we are Spiritual Beings Having a Human Experience” and not “Human Beings Having a Spiritual Experience.” He talks about relationships and how we tend to carry negative or angry thoughts about others and how that attracts the weakness we have in life.  He states that, “I end all conflicts on love.”

My summary here does not begin to cover what they discuss in detail but I wanted to post this for anyone going through a difficult time in life. No one in life is perfect or expected to be, we all have our own definition of what we consider “Perfect.” Instead of focusing on what is or isn’t perfect, we should spend those thoughts creating and manifesting a better quality, more expansive future and present for ourselves that is accepting of all who enter our lives but mostly acceptance of ourselves. We all have our own journey we have to take and it helps us navigate better when we gain a little perspective on how we can become better captains of our soul. Enjoy the video, it is well worth the 50 minutes and I will be in touch soon. 🙂

“I am the master of my fate; I am the captain of my soul.” ~ William Ernest Henley

Later became quoted by ~ Nelson Mandela, Invictus
